Monday, June 7, 2010

Sally Petersen Interview Part I

It is with great pleasure that I present the first part of my interview with the fabulous author, and entrepreneur Sally Petersen.

The Real American Dream
Creating Independence & Running a One-Person Business

"Sally ran a successful one-person business for thirteen years. With her creative help, you, too, can create a life of independence and financial well-being. The book features business tools, fresh ideas, and step-by-step coaching. It will guide you through the ideas and self-awareness necessary for success. And remember, it's you who define "success."

1.Tell us a little about your background as an Entrepreneur?

I didn't start out to be en entrepreneur, but after ten years in a Fortune 500 corporation, my job was eliminated. While taking a job-search program it became clear that I was no longer interested in corporate life. When I reviewed my work history (for the class) I discovered almost all my previous jobs called for me to start from scratch, to design the work. So I thought: If I can do it for other people, I can do it for myself. I'll design my own work, start my own business and build it around the writing skills I already have. It was one of the best decisions I've made.

2. Why did you decide to write this book?

After establishing a business of writing, editing and desktop publishing, I worked informally with the same search group that helped me. I talked to so many of their people that I decided to design a workshop to reach more potential entrepreneurs at once. The workshop turned into a book.

3. The Real American Dream…Interesting choice of words in your title. What is your definition of the Real American Dream?

I believe the real dream for many of us is to control our own destiny, to be our own boss, not just make money and own a home; to go beyond the traditional building blocks of the dream. Americans’ characters are built on pioneers who left security and moved west, left other countries and came here, or were set free. They all wanted to create a better life. That spirit lives on in us, generations later.

4. With so many business and employment books out there, what makes this one different?

One size does not fit all, and this book urges readers to make decisions that fit them, not someone else. It affirms each reader's uniqueness. Dream takes on the "why" of decisions, not just the how-to, although that is there too. I urge readers to understand themselves very well, then to make their businesses fit that reality. Dream takes them by the hand and walks them through the process.

5. What is the one thing you would like your readers to learn from this book?

To be realistic and enthusiastic. The process should be fun, or else go work for someone else. I'd like readers to develop a positive attitude that says: experiments don't fail, they teach you something. I will learn from my mistakes. I also want readers to build confidence by setting the business up right from the beginning and creating small successes. I favor a go-slow approach.

6. Has writing this book changed your life in anyway, and if so how?

Yes. Anyone who actually finishes writing a book knows what a monumental task that is. Just to finish is a victory; to see it published and helping people is wonderful. I am grateful to people like Swannee who caught the confidence of Dream and want to share it to help others.

Sally's books are available on and through her website, She and her husband, also a writer, send a periodic newsletter. If you would like to receive it, sign up on the website in the Media/Resources room or send your email address to

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