Monday, November 23, 2020

Taking a Chance Can Lead You to New Discoveries!


I like when I have the opportunity to try new things. Recently I had the opportunity to try a chicken and waffle cupcake. It actually had a little piece of waffle, and chicken sitting on top. I could also taste a little syrup in it. I had never seen anything like this before, and must admit at first I was hesitant as I stood imagining what all the flavors combined would taste like on my palate. However, stepping outside the box led me to a new discovery. It was surprisingly delicious. As this year has been filled with obstacles, and change for most-it is a time to see what new paths we may find ourselves on. A path we may discover we truly love.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Thought for the Day!

There is always hope, and it is magical. You can’t ever stop believing in it’s potential, even in the most difficult times, hope is still there – Perching in the soul with its bright feathers, and humming continuously the sweetest song always.

Emily Dickinson


Sunday, November 8, 2020

Who has their hands on Fuzzy Ears and the Grocery Store Adventure? With the holidays quickly approaching, this will make a great gift for the youngster(s) in your life. Now, available at,, TreasureMaison, your Copy Today!

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Step Out of Your Box

 Recently, I had an opportunity to experience a cooking method I was unfamiliar with known as hot pot. I must admit, at first I was hesitant, and unsure of what to expect. I am sure most of us feel this way when it is something that requires us to step outside of our comfort zone. However, what I discovered was a tasty meal that was something I easily knew after the first few bites I would enjoy experiencing again. I was reminded that the confinement brought on by COVID 19 is bringing new discoveries to the forefront for many of us. Much of which may be welcomed because we are given an opportunity to discover new things which may bring enjoyment in to our lives. Moving forward I am going to see what areas stepping beyond my usual restrictions of writing will lead me, reaching forward when new challenges are presented, and the enjoyment I may find in the process of stepping outside of my usual box.