Thursday, December 17, 2009

Yikes! One Week Until Christmas. Am I Ready?

This is the question many of you may be asking yourself. A common answer is NO! I need more time. Well, when the time remaining is limited-you must face the truth. You have reached that final week countdown. I decided this year I was going to stay on top of things, and get things done early so I could really enjoy the spirit of the holiday. You have a short time before the end of the year arrives, so below you will find a few pointers to remember, and to help you survive the remainder of the holiday season.

1. You are not perfect, and neither are they. Don't worry about having the perfectly organized holiday gathering at your home. The holidays are a time for remembering the reason for the season, enjoying time with your family, sharing a delicious meal etc. Mix and match plates, paper will all work.

2. Did you notice I didn't say getting those presents? That's right. It is not about the presents. At least it shouldn't be. Sure the kids may want particular items, and us big folks may hope for certain ones-but I believe the one thing this economical downturn has taught us-is we can survive and with a lot less. Toss the guilt aside, go to the local discount store and purchase an item that will peak the interest of your loved one but not hurt your wallet. When it comes down to it, you cannot put a pricetag on time and that is more valuable than anything. So, put away the computer (I know I am writing to share a message with you all,) the telephone, and electronic devices and spend quality time together. Those memories will last you for a life time.

3. This is one I have had to work on recently myself. Know your limits. We have many demands in our lives and the holidays are no exception. You cannot do everything and please everyone. With limited hours in the day, there is no time like today to get your priorities in order. Be realistic about what you can do, as well as what you are comfortable doing. Look in the mirror and start practice saying the word "no." Once you have done it, it gets easier.

4. Dinner will be potluck style. There is nothing wrong with this. We do this in our own family. Everyone contributes by bringing something for the dinner. Make a list beforehand, so that it is clear what everyone is bringing. With monies tighter than ever this year, this plan will be appreciated. You no longer have to portray the image that you can afford it all. Why should you have to?

5. Delegate responsibilities to family members. If you know you are running short on time, and need help-ask for it. Most family members are happy to lend a helping hand. Need help with set-up, clean up, place those calls now, so everyone is clear on the expectations. You will be happier and your holiday attitude will reflect it.

6. Keep moving forward and set aside time for you. This is extremely important. I always make time during the Christmas holiday to sit in the living room, look at the Christmas lights and have several minutes of quiet. Why? Because I am waiting for Santa Claus? No, because I need to be alone with my thoughts, and this is some of the most precious time.

7. Enjoy the final week of this holiday season. There is much business to tend to in the upcoming new year.

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