Recently, I had some construction work performed at my home. The worker I hired showed up with a friendly smile, and gear in hand ready to start his day. What surprised me was the baseball hat he wore. Resting comfortably upon his head, and proudly displaying bold coloring, it had a clear message for all to see. Sh#t Happens! I couldn't believe it. I paused momentarily, unsure if I should be frightened to let him touch my home and begin the repairs. What was his advertisement supposed to really mean? "Interesting hat." I commented. He smiled proudly and whistled away as he began to set up.
This advertisement was a simple reminder that we must remain aware of the message our business is conveying to others at all times. When you present yourself to a customer, or potential customer-you don't want them to ever hesitate about hiring you. I know I did. Fortunately, he did a fantastic job. But, not everyone is willing to give you a second chance, and it often reverts back to the old saying, you have one opportunity to make a first impression.
So out of curiosity, did you say anything else to him other than that his hat was "interesting"? As someone with young kids as well as a tween I would have likely told them to take it off and then would have provided feed back to their company, website or firm as to the inappropriateness of the hat. I'm no prude and I don't think you are either but as you indicate first impressions are key.
Elinor Johnson
Thank you for your feedback Ellie, it is appreciated. I have a tween, and older daughter as well and understand your sentiments. While I did not contact the company, I did have an opportunity to speak with the worker directly. I wanted to provide an opportunity for correction. He turned out to be an excellent worker, and I have hired him for a ople of additional jobs. He has not worn apparel similar to what was previously chosen. It is important to note, that not every one would be willing to give him a second opportunity. In this case, I am happy I took the chance.
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