The holiday season is not always about spending, thou the commercialism says otherwise. However, this time of year is the perfect time to emphasize what you can contribute to others for free. Below are a few ideas to help you jumpstart the task of making this an annual tradition.
Food Donation:
How about cleaning out the pantry? Most of us have excess food items that we can share with others. Many churches, schools, food banks...are advertising collection dates right now. Due to the fact that the economy is in such a difficult state, many organizations are struggling this year to meet their required needs. See what you can pull out of your pantry, and donate elsewhere.
Share a Talent:
If you have a special talent that can be utilized by others, how about offering to share it? Do you love to sing? How about performing at a local church that is in need of singers for their Christmas celebration? Do you love children? Offer your babysitting services to a friend in need. Speak a foregn language? What about conducting a class at the local library, community center, or another location where the beauty of it can be appreciated. Think of what you can do, and make it happen.
Acknowledge Others:
Have you been thinking about the letter that you should have written months ago? The telephone call you meant to make days ago? The thank you that should have been voiced to a dear friend that is long over due? Today is the day to take the steps to correct this mistake. With the holidays being such a hectic time of year, a sincere acknowledgement is appreciated and may be just the motivation someone is awaiting. Who is it you need to reach out to and praise? Take the time to do it before another minute passes.
Spend Quality Time with Others:
While we find ourselves rushing often throughout the holidays, we must remember to stop and acknowledge the true meaning of the season. This is the time for being with those we love and care about. Nothing big needs to be planned. Sometimes it is just the moments when we are sitting together in silence that means the most.
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