Christmas is fast approaching, but many are still holding the strings on the purse or wallet a little tighter. Well, why wouldn't you? This economy is still scary and every day it seems that another business is closing its doors. If only you had a few more dollars to spend. That might make things go a little more smoothly this holiday season. Well, while thinking these thoughts here are a few things to help pull in a few extra bucks this Christmas....
Use Your Talents:You may be wondering what talent? This is a question that only you can answer. We all have a special gift that we were provided with. Think about it, and figure out a way to use it to make extra money. Do you play the piano? How about offering lessons? This doesn't have to be just for the holidays, perhaps you can turn it in to something long term. Are you good at writing? With the internet going in full force and continuously expanding in to new areas, it has become easier to sell your writing, write for other online businesses...Think about what you can do and make it happen.
Offer Holiday Childcare:
Do you enjoy working with children? Have a friend that needs a babysitter so they can shop minus children? Check your calendar, make some calls, and make your friends an offer they cannot refuse. They will be happy to have some stress free holiday time, and you will be happy to make some extra money this holiday season.
Online Sites:Been procrastinating on getting rid of the home clutter? Now is the time to make those items beneficial to you. You haven't used them up until now anyway! Go through your rooms, closet, and see what you are willing to part with. Make an honest effort, and go online and post these things. With the availability of
Craigs List and
Ebay, there is no reason to not utilize them. If you don't know how to use these sites, ask a friend and get busy. There is money to be made.
Are you good at crocheting? Knitting? Making things? Check your local community newspaper and watch for upcoming bazaars. This is a great way to meet new people, and introduce your products(s) and talent locally. You may also be successful at participating in several upcoming events. More participation, means more potential income.
If you are good at a particular subject, this may be the time to help others that are struggling. Make a few simple flyers, figure out what hours you are available, research average cost for these skills, and promote, promote, promote. Let others know you are available, and make sure you have references that can vouch for you.
The holidays are a wonderful time for baking, but if you don't have the time it can become stressful. How about offering to do the baking for others? Pull out that old special chocolate chip recipe that has been used in the family for years, what about your grandmother's secret Red Velvet Cake Recipe? Find something you can make that others have begged you to provide for years and get busy promoting yourself. You can easily make some promotion materials on your computer, and spread the word. To increase business opportunities bring in a trusted friend and share the profits.
Happy Money Making.............