As we continue examining the subject of bully bosses, we must take a look at the necessary steps to take to clear up this problem. Sometimes it may take a while to reach a resolution, but the bottom line is-no one should have to work in an environment where they are harassed. Here are a few steps to take when preparing to clean up an uncomfortable work environment.
Carefully examine what is being done that makes you feel uncomfortable. Is it the way you are being spoken to (ex. insulting?) Are you being flirted with or having inappropriate comments said to you? Pin-point exactly what the problem is to ensure you are not being overly sensitive or that your boss was perhaps having a bad day.
Ensure you have documentation to support your statements. Write down what the situation was, statements made, dates, time, location. When you make an accusation, bring the facts with you.
Review your company handbook. What statements are made about the work environment, and what constitutes harassment according to their definition. Contact the Human Resources department for additional clarification and support.
Contact the bosses boss. I have had to do this myself, and know this can be very uncomfortable. Think carefully before doing this, and make sure this step is necessary. Remember, there will most likely be a point where your boss will know what you have accused them of. Always be prepared for the fall-out.
Are there others facing the same issues with the boss? Perhaps you can present the problems together. Be careful as this can also backfire-if you choose to speak openly with someone playing both sides of the fence and wanting to get in good with the boss. You must always know who you are talking to.
Once taking necessary steps, if nothing changes, you may consider seeking employment elsewhere. Consider all options before making any moves.
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