If you want to grow your business, there are 2 ways you can go about it.
Slow and fast.
Most people end up growing their business slowly. Now there's nothing wrong with slow. It's not easy to grow your business period, so even growing your business slowly is better than what a lot of entrepreneurs do.
So let's talk about fast. Another way to view growing your business quickly is by taking a quantum leap, which basically means you leap frog ahead versus taking your growth one step at a time.
Taking a quantum leap means transforming your business quickly. It means going from $200,000 to a million in a year. It means seeing opportunities fly to you effortlessly.
So if you want a quantum leap, how do you get one? Here are 3 steps to get you started:
1. Think big. Taking a quantum leap isn't going to work if you're thinking small. So the first thing you need to do is make sure you're thinking big. And, maybe even more than that, make sure you're READY for your business to BECOME big. If you're not comfortable or if there's some blocks or obstacles around you growing your business to its fullest potential, you'll never have a quantum leap.
2. Invest in yourself. There are different ways to invest in yourself. Do you need to build a team? Hire a consultant? Maybe you need to take time to go through a program or information product. Or you need to hire a coach or get into a coaching or mentorship program to move yourself ahead.
Money is a form of energy. And when you invest in a program or hiring a team, that could be the catalyst you need to move you forward in a big way. Because now you've put your money where your mouth is (so to speak). You're taking yourself and your business seriously by investing in yourself.
So how do you know what you need to invest in? You know. You know right now what you need to invest in to grow your business. Whether or not you do it is another story.
3. Failures means you're moving in the right direction. What?? I can hear you all saying. Here's the thing. If you design your life and/or your business around never making a mistake, do you REALLY think you're stepping outside your comfort zone? If you're trying to never make mistakes, then there's no possible way you can ever have a quantum leap. Quantum leaps require you to think differently than you have before, to try something you never have. And when you do that, you may end up having a failure or two (or ten) along the way.
Successful people don't like failure anymore than you do. But they know if they don't get out there in big way and try new things, they won't be as successful overall, even though that means risking failure as well. It's a choice they make because they know the payoff is worth it.
One way to deal with failure is to look beyond it. Focus on the end goal, where you want to end up. Then, when the failures happen, you're not as concerned with them because you're looking past them to the where you want to be.
But the biggest part of taking a quantum leap is just to do it. Take a deep breath and jump. And believe the net will appear.
Author Michele PW
Michele PW (Michele Pariza Wacek) is your Ka-Ching! Marketing strategist and owns Creative Concepts and Copywriting LLC, a copywriting and marketing agency. She helps entrepreneurs become more successful at attracting more clients, selling more products and services and boosting their business. To find out how she can help you take your business to the next level, visit her site at http://www.MichelePW.com Copyright 2009 Michele Pariza Wacek.
Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_1621725_15.html
About the Author: Michele PW (Michele Pariza Wacek) is your Ka-Ching! marketing strategist and
owns Creative Concepts and Copywriting LLC, a copywriting and marketing
agency. She helps entrepreneurs become more successful at attracting more
clients, selling more products and services and boosting their business. To
find out how she can help you take your business to the next level, visit
her site at http://www.MichelePW.com. Copyright 2009 Michele Pariza Wacek.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
How To Inspire Your Team - 5 Reasons To Start With Yourself
Inspiration is powerful stuff. Inspired people are fully energised and clearly focused, which means they are strongly motivated and engaged in the action they take. These are prized qualities in the workplace - a manager's dream! - yet inspired colleagues are a rarity.
Too many managers and leaders look for ways to inspire their people while remaining locked into uninspired behaviour themselves. This is doomed to failure! Instead, here are the 5 principles behind success.
1. Being inspired is a prerequisite for inspiring those around you
It's a matter of congruence - walking the talk. If someone deliberately sets out to inspire you and they are not themselves inspired, the falsehood is obvious. Would you be inspired by someone who is not inspired themselves? So, as Gandhi put it, "Be the change you want to see".
2. The resulting insights help you to inspire others
By becoming more aware of how you are inspired, you will gain insights into how other people become inspired. This is not a simplistic assumption that whatever inspires you will inspire everybody else but a deeper understanding of the mechanism of inspiration and how techniques that work for you can be adapted to work with others.
For example, a clear sense of purpose is an inspiring experience. However the particular purpose that works for you may not be the same purpose that inspires your colleague. But what is true is that a sense of purpose, whatever the difference in detail, is important for both of you.
3. Inspiration is contagious!
This is perhaps the most obvious reason - the low-hanging fruit - why you need to be inspired first. If you did nothing else there would still be some positive impact on those around you. People love to be with inspired individuals because some of it automatically rubs off.
4. Inspiring your team is an act of leadership
Inspiring others is a key leadership skill. You are the leader of your team and, whether you choose it or not, each member looks to you as a role model. To some degree your behaviour will be copied - you need to be out in front.
5. Inspiration will sustain you in your role in leading the team
Consistently inspiring a team takes energy, focus, creativity and resilience. You will have these qualities in far greater abundance when you are inspired. Without inspiration, your efforts are likely to exhaust you as well as being ineffective.
Author Trevor Hill
Welcome - I'm Trevor Hill, author and inspiration coach. You can get specific details on 7 great techniques to inspire yourself in my free downloadable book 'Passport to Inspiration' from http://www.inspiration-at-work.co.uk
Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_1621766_15.html
Too many managers and leaders look for ways to inspire their people while remaining locked into uninspired behaviour themselves. This is doomed to failure! Instead, here are the 5 principles behind success.
1. Being inspired is a prerequisite for inspiring those around you
It's a matter of congruence - walking the talk. If someone deliberately sets out to inspire you and they are not themselves inspired, the falsehood is obvious. Would you be inspired by someone who is not inspired themselves? So, as Gandhi put it, "Be the change you want to see".
2. The resulting insights help you to inspire others
By becoming more aware of how you are inspired, you will gain insights into how other people become inspired. This is not a simplistic assumption that whatever inspires you will inspire everybody else but a deeper understanding of the mechanism of inspiration and how techniques that work for you can be adapted to work with others.
For example, a clear sense of purpose is an inspiring experience. However the particular purpose that works for you may not be the same purpose that inspires your colleague. But what is true is that a sense of purpose, whatever the difference in detail, is important for both of you.
3. Inspiration is contagious!
This is perhaps the most obvious reason - the low-hanging fruit - why you need to be inspired first. If you did nothing else there would still be some positive impact on those around you. People love to be with inspired individuals because some of it automatically rubs off.
4. Inspiring your team is an act of leadership
Inspiring others is a key leadership skill. You are the leader of your team and, whether you choose it or not, each member looks to you as a role model. To some degree your behaviour will be copied - you need to be out in front.
5. Inspiration will sustain you in your role in leading the team
Consistently inspiring a team takes energy, focus, creativity and resilience. You will have these qualities in far greater abundance when you are inspired. Without inspiration, your efforts are likely to exhaust you as well as being ineffective.
Author Trevor Hill
Welcome - I'm Trevor Hill, author and inspiration coach. You can get specific details on 7 great techniques to inspire yourself in my free downloadable book 'Passport to Inspiration' from http://www.inspiration-at-work.co.uk
Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_1621766_15.html
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
I Had to Giggle at This One!

As I thought about today and the things I wanted to talk about, I realized I wanted to remind everyone about the importance of selecting a business name that stands out, clearly represents you, defines what you do, the services you have available... You want a name that is going to make people think about you even when you are not in front of them. If you can come up with a name that makes people giggle that can be even better. Here is an article that does a perfect job of just that. Click here.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Need to Buy a Last Minute Father's Day Gift?

Are you trying to purchase a last minute Father's Day Gift for the special man or men in your life? Need a great place to go, and a coupon to take with you to stretch those limited funds? Click here.
best management practices,
Father's Day,
Are You the Kind of Business You Need to Be?
Author: Liz Weber
One of my favorite thoughts for inspiration is by Jim Cathcart: "How would the person I'd like to be do the thing I'm about to do?" Whenever I ask myself that question, I usually ratchet up what I'm going to do a notch or two - and the result is usually much better than if I'd done "just enough" to get by.
I recently worked with a client I've supported on and off for years. They've always been a great client to work with because I invariably learn something from them. I am also routinely impressed with their willingness to push themselves to expect more of themselves than their competitors. However, during this most recent project, things were different. A few people have left and a few people have joined the team and things are different. Longer term managers behaved differently than I'd ever seen them behave before. New managers behaved in ways different from what had ever been demonstrated before. And "different" in each of these cases wasn't good. Different was tactical not strategic. Different was many of the managers saying, "We can't do anything." Different was more in line with what their competitors do.
In talking with the executive team about the differences, I was told cash flow is tight, they're being asked to do more with less, and the future is a big question mark. My not-so-diplomatic response was: "Join the club. We're all under pressure. We all have cash flow concerns, need to do more with less, and face an uncertain future. However, we won't have a future if we no longer provide the level of service, anticipate our customers' needs, and extend the quality of products our customers expect and deserve. If we start operating below our own standards, why do we deserve our customers' business?" The answer is obviously, "We don't."
That's much easier to say than to do when our current business models are being challenged. However, we need to remember what allowed us to earn our customers' trust and business in the first place. Why did they choose us before and what will it take for them to continue to choose us in the future? If we are without a doubt an organization they will want to continue or start to do business with going forward, we'll be able to meet their needs and ours as well. But we need to live up to our own standards in tough times as well as in the good times to provide this assurance to our customers.
So, are you the kind of organization you need to be? If not, why not? Your customers are waiting for your answer.
Copyright 2009 , 2010 - Liz Weber, CMC - Weber Business Services, LLC.
WBS is a team of Strategic Planning and Leadership Development Consultants, Trainers, and Speakers. Liz can be reached at liz@wbsllc.com or (717)597-8890. Additional FREE articles can be found at Weber Business Services Website. Liz can be reached at mailto:liz@liz-weber.com
Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_1606613_15.html
About the Author: A sought-after consultant, speaker, and seminar/workshop presenter, Liz is known for her candor, insights, and her ability to make the complex "easy." She creates clarity for her audiences during her results-oriented presentations and training sessions. Participants walk away from her sessions knowing how to implement the ideas she's shared not just once, but over and over to ensure continuous improvement and management growth and development.
Known as The Dragon Lady of Leadership Accountability™, Liz has been there, done it, and learned from it. Whether speaking to corporate executives or government agency personnel, Liz's comments and insights on leadership and leadership accountability ring true.
As the President of Weber Business Services, LLC, a management consulting, training, and speaking firm headquartered near Harrisburg, PA, Liz and her team of consultants provide strategic and succession planning, leadership development, training, and executive coaching to a variety of clients.
Liz has supervised business activities in 139 countries and has consulted with organizations in over 20 countries. She has designed and facilitated conferences from Bangkok to Bonn and Tokyo to Tunis. Liz has taught for the Johns Hopkins University's Graduate School of Continuing Studies and the Georgetown University's Senior Executive Leadership Program.
One of my favorite thoughts for inspiration is by Jim Cathcart: "How would the person I'd like to be do the thing I'm about to do?" Whenever I ask myself that question, I usually ratchet up what I'm going to do a notch or two - and the result is usually much better than if I'd done "just enough" to get by.
I recently worked with a client I've supported on and off for years. They've always been a great client to work with because I invariably learn something from them. I am also routinely impressed with their willingness to push themselves to expect more of themselves than their competitors. However, during this most recent project, things were different. A few people have left and a few people have joined the team and things are different. Longer term managers behaved differently than I'd ever seen them behave before. New managers behaved in ways different from what had ever been demonstrated before. And "different" in each of these cases wasn't good. Different was tactical not strategic. Different was many of the managers saying, "We can't do anything." Different was more in line with what their competitors do.
In talking with the executive team about the differences, I was told cash flow is tight, they're being asked to do more with less, and the future is a big question mark. My not-so-diplomatic response was: "Join the club. We're all under pressure. We all have cash flow concerns, need to do more with less, and face an uncertain future. However, we won't have a future if we no longer provide the level of service, anticipate our customers' needs, and extend the quality of products our customers expect and deserve. If we start operating below our own standards, why do we deserve our customers' business?" The answer is obviously, "We don't."
That's much easier to say than to do when our current business models are being challenged. However, we need to remember what allowed us to earn our customers' trust and business in the first place. Why did they choose us before and what will it take for them to continue to choose us in the future? If we are without a doubt an organization they will want to continue or start to do business with going forward, we'll be able to meet their needs and ours as well. But we need to live up to our own standards in tough times as well as in the good times to provide this assurance to our customers.
So, are you the kind of organization you need to be? If not, why not? Your customers are waiting for your answer.
Copyright 2009 , 2010 - Liz Weber, CMC - Weber Business Services, LLC.
WBS is a team of Strategic Planning and Leadership Development Consultants, Trainers, and Speakers. Liz can be reached at liz@wbsllc.com or (717)597-8890. Additional FREE articles can be found at Weber Business Services Website. Liz can be reached at mailto:liz@liz-weber.com
Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_1606613_15.html
About the Author: A sought-after consultant, speaker, and seminar/workshop presenter, Liz is known for her candor, insights, and her ability to make the complex "easy." She creates clarity for her audiences during her results-oriented presentations and training sessions. Participants walk away from her sessions knowing how to implement the ideas she's shared not just once, but over and over to ensure continuous improvement and management growth and development.
Known as The Dragon Lady of Leadership Accountability™, Liz has been there, done it, and learned from it. Whether speaking to corporate executives or government agency personnel, Liz's comments and insights on leadership and leadership accountability ring true.
As the President of Weber Business Services, LLC, a management consulting, training, and speaking firm headquartered near Harrisburg, PA, Liz and her team of consultants provide strategic and succession planning, leadership development, training, and executive coaching to a variety of clients.
Liz has supervised business activities in 139 countries and has consulted with organizations in over 20 countries. She has designed and facilitated conferences from Bangkok to Bonn and Tokyo to Tunis. Liz has taught for the Johns Hopkins University's Graduate School of Continuing Studies and the Georgetown University's Senior Executive Leadership Program.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Sally Petersen Interview Part 2
Part two of the interview with author and entrepreneur Sally Petersen is now available. Part 1 can be found on my June 7th post.
6. Has writing this book changed your life in anyway, and if so how?
Yes. Anyone who actually finishes writing a book knows what a monumental task that is. Just to finish is a victory; to see it published and helping people is wonderful. I am grateful to people like Swannee who caught the confidence of Dream and want to share it to help others.
7. What advice would you have for up and coming entrepreneurs?
If you have one, keep your day job while doing the start up work on your business, if it's not a conflict of interest. Start slow, create small successes and you'll learn safely. When it's time to cut loose, you'll know.
8. What is the hardest part about running your own business?
Finding time to do everything. I tell my readers, if you can't manage your time, you won't make it. Other than that, everyone has a "hardest part." For me, it's marketing, for some it’s the financial details; others have trouble closing a sale.
9. Tell us about your new literary work and where the idea came from?
I view life as a series of little episodes or stories, and I've wanted to tell them. I have a quirky view of work, kids, what I see when I travel, people. Tea Pie, Love and Reality is a collection of very short pieces—some funny, some thoughtful—about life. Many readers relate to them.
10. How is your new literary work different from what you have done in the past?
It's more personal. I'm a private person and have written for newspapers, magazines and businesses, not about myself and my take on life. Tea Pie was a stretch.
11. What are your future plans?
My next writing will be memoir. I grew up in the Midwest and have watched decades of change in our world. I have changed also during that time. I want to write about a life many women will relate to, just as many people relate to the stories in Tea Pie and the idea of your own business in Dream. Stay tuned.
12. How do you define success?
Success for me means developing and maintaining a secure financial base so I can follow my dream of fulfilling work, travel, and using whatever skills I possess to help those who cross my path.
Sally's books are available on Amazon.com and through her website, PetersenPublications.com. She and her husband, also a writer, send a periodic newsletter. If you would like to receive it, sign up on the website in the Media/Resources room or send your email address to sally@PetersenPublications.com.
6. Has writing this book changed your life in anyway, and if so how?
Yes. Anyone who actually finishes writing a book knows what a monumental task that is. Just to finish is a victory; to see it published and helping people is wonderful. I am grateful to people like Swannee who caught the confidence of Dream and want to share it to help others.
7. What advice would you have for up and coming entrepreneurs?
If you have one, keep your day job while doing the start up work on your business, if it's not a conflict of interest. Start slow, create small successes and you'll learn safely. When it's time to cut loose, you'll know.
8. What is the hardest part about running your own business?
Finding time to do everything. I tell my readers, if you can't manage your time, you won't make it. Other than that, everyone has a "hardest part." For me, it's marketing, for some it’s the financial details; others have trouble closing a sale.
9. Tell us about your new literary work and where the idea came from?
I view life as a series of little episodes or stories, and I've wanted to tell them. I have a quirky view of work, kids, what I see when I travel, people. Tea Pie, Love and Reality is a collection of very short pieces—some funny, some thoughtful—about life. Many readers relate to them.
10. How is your new literary work different from what you have done in the past?
It's more personal. I'm a private person and have written for newspapers, magazines and businesses, not about myself and my take on life. Tea Pie was a stretch.
11. What are your future plans?
My next writing will be memoir. I grew up in the Midwest and have watched decades of change in our world. I have changed also during that time. I want to write about a life many women will relate to, just as many people relate to the stories in Tea Pie and the idea of your own business in Dream. Stay tuned.
12. How do you define success?
Success for me means developing and maintaining a secure financial base so I can follow my dream of fulfilling work, travel, and using whatever skills I possess to help those who cross my path.
Sally's books are available on Amazon.com and through her website, PetersenPublications.com. She and her husband, also a writer, send a periodic newsletter. If you would like to receive it, sign up on the website in the Media/Resources room or send your email address to sally@PetersenPublications.com.
Sally Petersen,
Monday, June 7, 2010
Sally Petersen Interview Part I
It is with great pleasure that I present the first part of my interview with the fabulous author, and entrepreneur Sally Petersen.
The Real American Dream
Creating Independence & Running a One-Person Business
"Sally ran a successful one-person business for thirteen years. With her creative help, you, too, can create a life of independence and financial well-being. The book features business tools, fresh ideas, and step-by-step coaching. It will guide you through the ideas and self-awareness necessary for success. And remember, it's you who define "success."
1.Tell us a little about your background as an Entrepreneur?
I didn't start out to be en entrepreneur, but after ten years in a Fortune 500 corporation, my job was eliminated. While taking a job-search program it became clear that I was no longer interested in corporate life. When I reviewed my work history (for the class) I discovered almost all my previous jobs called for me to start from scratch, to design the work. So I thought: If I can do it for other people, I can do it for myself. I'll design my own work, start my own business and build it around the writing skills I already have. It was one of the best decisions I've made.
2. Why did you decide to write this book?
After establishing a business of writing, editing and desktop publishing, I worked informally with the same search group that helped me. I talked to so many of their people that I decided to design a workshop to reach more potential entrepreneurs at once. The workshop turned into a book.
3. The Real American Dream…Interesting choice of words in your title. What is your definition of the Real American Dream?
I believe the real dream for many of us is to control our own destiny, to be our own boss, not just make money and own a home; to go beyond the traditional building blocks of the dream. Americans’ characters are built on pioneers who left security and moved west, left other countries and came here, or were set free. They all wanted to create a better life. That spirit lives on in us, generations later.
4. With so many business and employment books out there, what makes this one different?
One size does not fit all, and this book urges readers to make decisions that fit them, not someone else. It affirms each reader's uniqueness. Dream takes on the "why" of decisions, not just the how-to, although that is there too. I urge readers to understand themselves very well, then to make their businesses fit that reality. Dream takes them by the hand and walks them through the process.
5. What is the one thing you would like your readers to learn from this book?
To be realistic and enthusiastic. The process should be fun, or else go work for someone else. I'd like readers to develop a positive attitude that says: experiments don't fail, they teach you something. I will learn from my mistakes. I also want readers to build confidence by setting the business up right from the beginning and creating small successes. I favor a go-slow approach.
6. Has writing this book changed your life in anyway, and if so how?
Yes. Anyone who actually finishes writing a book knows what a monumental task that is. Just to finish is a victory; to see it published and helping people is wonderful. I am grateful to people like Swannee who caught the confidence of Dream and want to share it to help others.
Sally's books are available on Amazon.com and through her website, PetersenPublications.com. She and her husband, also a writer, send a periodic newsletter. If you would like to receive it, sign up on the website in the Media/Resources room or send your email address to sally@PetersenPublications.com.
The Real American Dream
Creating Independence & Running a One-Person Business
"Sally ran a successful one-person business for thirteen years. With her creative help, you, too, can create a life of independence and financial well-being. The book features business tools, fresh ideas, and step-by-step coaching. It will guide you through the ideas and self-awareness necessary for success. And remember, it's you who define "success."
1.Tell us a little about your background as an Entrepreneur?
I didn't start out to be en entrepreneur, but after ten years in a Fortune 500 corporation, my job was eliminated. While taking a job-search program it became clear that I was no longer interested in corporate life. When I reviewed my work history (for the class) I discovered almost all my previous jobs called for me to start from scratch, to design the work. So I thought: If I can do it for other people, I can do it for myself. I'll design my own work, start my own business and build it around the writing skills I already have. It was one of the best decisions I've made.
2. Why did you decide to write this book?
After establishing a business of writing, editing and desktop publishing, I worked informally with the same search group that helped me. I talked to so many of their people that I decided to design a workshop to reach more potential entrepreneurs at once. The workshop turned into a book.
3. The Real American Dream…Interesting choice of words in your title. What is your definition of the Real American Dream?
I believe the real dream for many of us is to control our own destiny, to be our own boss, not just make money and own a home; to go beyond the traditional building blocks of the dream. Americans’ characters are built on pioneers who left security and moved west, left other countries and came here, or were set free. They all wanted to create a better life. That spirit lives on in us, generations later.
4. With so many business and employment books out there, what makes this one different?
One size does not fit all, and this book urges readers to make decisions that fit them, not someone else. It affirms each reader's uniqueness. Dream takes on the "why" of decisions, not just the how-to, although that is there too. I urge readers to understand themselves very well, then to make their businesses fit that reality. Dream takes them by the hand and walks them through the process.
5. What is the one thing you would like your readers to learn from this book?
To be realistic and enthusiastic. The process should be fun, or else go work for someone else. I'd like readers to develop a positive attitude that says: experiments don't fail, they teach you something. I will learn from my mistakes. I also want readers to build confidence by setting the business up right from the beginning and creating small successes. I favor a go-slow approach.
6. Has writing this book changed your life in anyway, and if so how?
Yes. Anyone who actually finishes writing a book knows what a monumental task that is. Just to finish is a victory; to see it published and helping people is wonderful. I am grateful to people like Swannee who caught the confidence of Dream and want to share it to help others.
Sally's books are available on Amazon.com and through her website, PetersenPublications.com. She and her husband, also a writer, send a periodic newsletter. If you would like to receive it, sign up on the website in the Media/Resources room or send your email address to sally@PetersenPublications.com.
Sally Petersen
Thursday, June 3, 2010
June 4, 2010 is National Donut!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
For You Pacific Northwest Small Business Owners
Small Business Forum
with Congressman Adam Smith
Thursday, June 3rd - 7AM
Congressman Adam Smith will be joined by representatives from over 20 federal agencies to offer information on federal programs helping small businesses work with the government, navigate federal rules and regulations or apply for federal resources. Invited agency representatives from the Economic Development Administration (EDA), Washington State Employment Security, Internal Revenue Service, and the General Services Administration will also be present to answer questions about what programs and tools they offer to local small businesses.
with Congressman Adam Smith
Thursday, June 3rd - 7AM
Congressman Adam Smith will be joined by representatives from over 20 federal agencies to offer information on federal programs helping small businesses work with the government, navigate federal rules and regulations or apply for federal resources. Invited agency representatives from the Economic Development Administration (EDA), Washington State Employment Security, Internal Revenue Service, and the General Services Administration will also be present to answer questions about what programs and tools they offer to local small businesses.
small businesses
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