I consider myself one that looks at things carefully, and reviews things closely before making a final decision. But, recently I had an experience that made me rethink how carefully am I looking when things are presented to me? A friend brought up the subject of the company logo for Federal Express. Apparently the creator had placed an arrow in the logo, and I didn’t believe it initially.
This is a logo I had seen for years. The Federal Express truck has come to my home on various occasions, but yet I never noticed this! I knew there must be some mistake. He held up a printout of the logo and said “do you see it?” I scanned quickly, realizing there apparently should be more there than I realized. I spotted it! and then I gasped. How could this be? It wasn’t as if I was always rushing when I had seen these words previously, but it did create an AHA moment for me I must admit.
This experience served as a reminder that often we miss opportunities, because we fail to take in the clear picture of possibilities. At times it takes others pointing things out to us, for the picture to become clear.
Several days after this experience I saw another Federal Express truck drive across the intersection in front of me. The arrow seemed to jump off the side of the truck at me. It was clear as day. Review your business practices, ideas… and consider what opportunities you just may have overlooked without realizing it.
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