When you are putting together a marketing plan for your company, there are many things to consider but the most important thing is to determine how much you want to pay. As a small business owner, you need to find several ways to make your business successful but you may not have a lot of money to do it. Some of the costs that you will be looking at include:
1. Newspaper advertisements - These can be effective but the days of the newspaper are long gone and there are a lot of high rates for advertising. You will typically pay $1,000 for a full page ad, even in a local paper, and only reach a few hundred people. This means for each person you reach, you are spending as much as five dollars. Only a fraction of these people will come to your store.
2. Television advertisements - These are well-known and seen by many people but they are horribly expensive. You will pay thousands of dollars and reach thousands of people, yes, but is it worth it? You need to reach a lot of people to bring in enough sales and often this is too expensive for most small businesses.
3. Radio advertisements - The same thing is true for radio advertisements. You reach a lot of people but not a lot come into your store as a result.
So, what can you do and where can you go for your marketing strategy? There is only one place for a small business to turn and that is to the promotional gift marketing strategy. Promotional gifts are great because they allow your company to get exposure to hundreds of people for a fraction of the price of regular advertising. If you put your company name and logo on a pen, it will reach roughly 10 to 20 people over the course of the life of that pen. If only 10 percent of those people buy from you, that is one to two people coming into your store. If they each buy an item worth $20, you have gained a big return on the investment of a two dollar promotional pen.
That is how easy it is to market your company through promotional pens. You can reach a lot of people, you can do it cheaply and you do not have to worry about doing this every week. A pen will last for years and it will advertise your company that entire time.
DiscountMugs.com is a large distribution company based in Miami, Florida. They are web-based and factory-direct which allows them to keep prices lower than the rest of the competition. They also have a huge selection of promotional products from wine glasses and shot glasses to tote bags and pens.
Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_1517714_15.html
Author: Amin Ramjee
1 comment:
informative post. Promotional pens are very cost effective and they even range widely in price as well. This makes them effortless to find the ones that fit your business and your budget. With your printed promotional pens, you can also target a specific event, sale, or brand promotion.
corporate gifts
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