If you have any experience with internet business you probably know by now that having website traffic is crucial to your success. If you don’t have visitors coming your way, no one will ever know about you and you will not make any sales. How do I get targeted website traffic without spending all of my money? You have probably asked yourself this question many times. I will show you 5 well-proven techniques that will help you to increase your website traffic without spending a penny.
Write articlesWrite articles about what your are promoting and then post them on different article directories such as
ezinearticles.com and
goarticles.com. If you write good content articles you will be allowed to add your resource box with your link in it at the end of the article.
The more articles you write, the better chance for people to find you. Just make sure that you write good quality articles, if you don’t, your article might be rejected and you could even be accused of spamming.
A good start could be to write and submit one good article every day. Stay committed to this and you will see results eventually.
Make a video presentationA good way to promote your website and product is to make a short video presentation and post them on sites like
youtube.com and
video.google.com. Don’t make your presentation too long, less than 5 minutes is good. Posting your video is free.
These video websites are very SEO friendly and could make you show up on the top 10 search results on Google! Wouldn’t it be worth it to just spend a few minutes recording a short video?
If you have never done a video before, a good way to start would be to download
CamStudio (camstudio.org). This is free screen recording software. If you want to edit and arrange your video before you upload it, you can use your standard windows movie maker.
Write on forumsThis is free and will drives highly targeted audiences to your website. Find forums within the same niche as your business. Join the discussions and contribute valuable information to the forum. On many forums you are allowed to have your own signature file.
DiggWhen you have written and submitted your articles to the article directories you can expose them on an online community like
Digg.com. This community has members who are always looking for something new.
TwitterThis FREE community really was a phenomenon that conquered the world in 2009. It is still one of the fastest growing communities online today. If you build a network of thousands of people you can easily drive traffic from your twitter profile and updates to your website.
Author: Jonatan Ericsson
To learn more about these different techniques please read below and make sure to sign-up for our FREE 7-day online DVD.
Jonatan Ericsson is a full time Network Marketer.
Get your FREE 7-day cutting edge Network Marketing secrets exposed online DVD: CLICK HERE
Article Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_1379531_80.html
About the Author: Jonatan Ericsson is a full time Online Marketer. Get your free 7-day cutting edge Internet Marketing secrets exposed online DVD bootcamp. Learn more at: http://www.eee.se/internetmarketing