Thursday, August 19, 2021

Happy To Be In The Race!



Monday, August 9, 2021

Do We Always Need To Understand Why?


Things work out the way they are meant to. We may not always understand why. The older I get the more I learn-we don't need to know what the reason is in the moment. Sometimes, at a later date you are given the opportunity to SEE AND CONTEMPLATE. It is often then that you review, understand, and truly appreciate the choice that life has selected for you. Happy Monday!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Give Yourself A Mind Lift!

It is so interesting the individuals we run across during a given day. Sometimes, these crossings turn in to the most interesting conversations. It is often amazing to discover how much you have in common with someone you barely know. These journeys often force you to take a closer look in the mirror. Remember to celebrate yourself, celebrate new connections with others, and give yourself a daily MIND LIFT to ensure you are keeping your thoughts uplifting, ensure that you feel powerful, motivated, and heading in a positive direction. Keep it moving....................................