With so much happening and putting our world into a delicate state now, these words make a powerful impact. “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.” Martin Luther King Jr.
Monday, May 25, 2020
As I continue to feel more motivated daily, I urge myself to step and think outside the box. If I ever stop and ask myself why? I remind myself because I can. There are so many opportunities to do something good, and better opportunities to do something great. "You can't fall if you don't climb. But there's no joy in living your whole life on the ground." Unknown
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
I am in full swing, and want to thank you all so very much for your support. If you have been thinking about contributing to my GO FUND ME account and have not done so yet, there is still time. I will collect funds through the end of this month. Any amount is appreciated.....I have passed my half way goal. When I started this adventure, I didn't know where it would go but I was willing to step out on faith and I am so happy that I did. https://www.gofundme.com/f/fuzzy-ears-travels-the-country…
Sunday, May 17, 2020
I love when my work lands in the hands of beautiful youngsters. Let's see where Fuzzy Ears has landed today...
When I sit back, and observe I see opportunity, and potential in their eyes. I see dreams to be fulfilled, and most importantly I see hope. Creating works that children can pass to one another is a joy.
You ever have an AHA moment? I had one I hadn't thought about. A parallel between my long-time friend (since high school,) and my new children's book (Fuzzy Ears and the Grocery Store Adventure.) My friend detested her middle name, Rose, ever since we first met. She didn't want anyone to know that was her middle name, but shared it with me one day. From the moment I heard it, I loved it and started calling her by that instead of her first name because I thought it was fitting of the beautiful spirit she was and represented to the world. I became the only person that she allowed to call her Rose through these many years. Whether it was a letter, email, phone call...I always said "hi Rose." She knew it was me. Tonight, after having a conversation she informed me that after all of these years (and it has been many,) she has come to appreciate the name and now actually likes it. It made my evening. I knew it was beautiful all along, I just had to wait for her to catch up. Beautiful Rose.
I appreciate you logging in to my blog. Here you will find a bundle of information updated weekly about the author Swannee Rivers, her writings, adventures, inspiration, and life tips to motivate you.
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Swannee Rivers is a mother, business owner, community showcase developer, motivational speaker, and author of Healthcare Under Duress-An Inside Look at the University of Washington Billing Scandal (2003,) Hidden Treasures: Small Businesses Doing Great Things in the Pacific Northwest (2007,) Cancer Journal for the Survivor in You (2003 edition I,2009 edition II) Parents Don’t Know Everything-A Teen Freedom of Expression Journal (2003,) In 2018 she was in the documentary the Last Swing and the Oxygen series Criminal Confessions.
Fuzzy Ears and the Grocery Store Adventure (2020) is the release of her first children's work.