People are consistently developing various means for business promotion, and this can occasionally include participation in local business showcases. Through the years I have been a participant in many. In fact for several years I ran a local business showcase monthly for women looking to promote their businesses. The challenge when participating in these types of events is ensuring that your product stands out from the pack. The process for doing this can be simplified if you are the sole individual selling a particular item such as jewelry, candles, children's books, or cooking products. The problem arises when several of you have the same products for sale.
Customer Reaction:
One observation I often noticed amongst customers was if too many vendors selling similar products were placed near each other (at the event,) the initial vendor received a thorough examination of their products. The next vendor would find their examination time reduced, and the next seller was often skipped. It didn't matter if the items had a different appearance. If similar products were spotted, the assumption became "oh it is the same old stuff." I often overheard these comments, and was saddened by wonderful businesses losing potential clients. It is up to you to halt those thoughts, and in a minute I will quickly explain how to do just that. Despite having some of the same products, you must create for your potential customers what I refer to as THE BLIND EYE. You are going to distract them from what is common or repetitive, by luring them with that which is stimulating.
Catch Their Eye:
Make your display attractive. This means vibrant coloring. Use flowers, colorful products, an attractive tablecloth (use one unique which is a conversation starter.) Place items which can be viewed as a steal for a customer ($3 and under in the front.) Is the item something you would want? Place enough of these items, so that once sold it can cover the cost of your showcase booth, table, or setting. The goal here is to make sure you don't lose money, even if it means you just break even. The name of the game is promotion. Have another area of slightly higher priced items that average $6 or so. This will elevate your chances of making a profit. Of course you will have more expensive items, but you want to ensure you have something that EVERYONE can afford.
Use the Bulk Approach:
Offer items in bulk, and let the pricing reflect this. If an item is $3 price it at $3.50 each or 5 for $15. You will be amazed at how many people are willing to purchase more because of the discounted price.
Remember to enjoy your event, and enjoy your customers. Never make them feel pressured. Everything is a choice, and
you want people to choose YOU because you and your products represent quality.