Sunday, February 27, 2011

Business Summit Comes to Renton, Washington

If you are a woman business owner in the Pacific Northwest, here is information regarding a free upcoming business event.

March 5, 2011 the U.S. Small Business Administration will host the Seattle Women Entrepreneurs Summit in Renton, Washington.

Free at Renton Technical College 3000 N.E. 4th St.

Business leaders, subject experts...will be on hand to discuss issues and answer questions concerning women in business.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Get Crazy, Wacky, and Creative When Promoting Your Business!

I am always thinking about different ways to let people know about what I am doing in business. While this doesn't always have to cost money, it does need to be in a manner that makes you and your business stand out to others. Not long ago I saw a couple of business promotion ideas that stood out to me and I would like to tell you why.

First, while on a local highway, I caught site of a vehicle that had something that appeared to be a clear box attached on the back. After getting closer, I noticed it was a box filled with colorful flyers. A small slot beside the flyers held business cards. A lid ensured that the items would not get wet, and remained securely in place. Gold lettering beside the materials indicated the business name. I had never seen anything like this. It was sort of a self serve business promotion. Rather than going shopping and returning to your vehicle only to find unwanted brochures or information placed under your wiper, you could grab information yourself if interested. The bright colors and unique placement of this box made you want to get closer, and grab information just to see what it was all about.

Several minutes later while rounding a corner I noticed a black Mercedes heading in my direction. Attached to the side was a bright yellow sign promoting a housecleaning business. It was interesting to see the color contrast. It grabbed your attention because it screamed "look at me."

The economy has caused people to become creative in expressing their business offerings. What have you done lately to let others know about your business? Have you gone to extremes to spread the word? Share your ideas here.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Have You Been Following Me On E-How?

I strongly believe in learning something new each day, and that is one of my goals for the new year. Writing for E-how has given me this wonderful opportunity. I hope you have had a chance to review some of my latest articles. Click here.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Love yourself, each other, and your business on this day.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Quality Service Never Goes Out of Style

In January we added a new addition to our family. Beau, our new Golden Retriever puppy. Our first Golden Retriever lived for 13 years, and he was a true blessing to our lives. Upon thinking about a new puppy we thought about different local breeders, and the shelters. After checking at numerous places things didn't work out for one reason or another. Individuals were advertising one thing, and then changing what they had stated. In fact I felt uneasy in many cases.

After much thought I contacted the breeder we had previously used, and sent pictures to through the years of our dog. You see after they sold each Golden Retriever, they wanted to know how they were making out through the years. They were still in business, still receiving excellent reviews from customers, still providing the same attentive care, and after speaking with the owner I felt the same secure feeling they had provided so many years ago. Nothing had changed.

We are once again pleased with our final decision, and this was just a reminder to me that it doesn't matter how many years it has been since you have conducted transactions with a business. If the business provides quality customer service, people will happily return and support them. Now, remember this when you conduct your next transaction.