Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Moms There is a Great New Website Out There for You!

With the economy still in a continual state of flux, money is a topic that is on everyones mind. Besides working outside the home, many women are running home-based businesses, being the home chef, taxi-driver, doctor, nurse, teacher and so much more. Any assistance available is appreciated to provide balance within the home and make life easier. So, whenever I learn about something new or a new website I love to share. Suze Orman has developed a new site with moms in mind. In case you have not hear about it here is where you can learn more.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Looking for Ways to Save Year-Round?

If you are looking for various methods of keeping money in your wallet throughout the year, check out my article on Article Alley for pointers.

Friday, January 21, 2011

For Many Now It Is About the Business of Football?

What do the NFL and Renton Washington have in common? Well, besides the Seattle Seahawks there is a new claim to fame when taking a closer look at the training facility there. Check out my latest article for details.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday 1-17-11

Remember the real reason to take a minute to pause and celebrate this special day.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Harry Potter the Exhibit

For those in the Pacific Northwest, check out my latest work-and the extension of the world famous Harry Potter exhibit...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Creative Ways to Save Year Round

If you have a job or access to money nowadays that is wonderful. But, for many, finances is no laughing matter. Despite wanting to participate in various activities, lack of funding often limits what opportunities are available. Below are a few ways to put excitement back in to the challenge of finding extra money.

Limit CD, DVD Purchases:

Everyone wants to have the latest CD and DVD for their personal collection. With musical and theatrical productions becoming available at a faster rate, this is possible for many. However, the monies spent to make this happen add up quickly. To prevent this from becoming an issue share with friends, or do a swap when you are tired of your current collection. Utilize your local library to borrow and view items. Also, websites such as allow you to watch movies and television shows for free.

Use Talents for Gift Exchange:

Rather than going to the mall and spending money on items you cannot afford to give to others, think of something you can offer them for free instead. What is your special talent? If you are a good cleaner, offer to clean their house one weekend. Provide your babysitting services so they can enjoy a night on the town. Fix something that has been broken at their home for a while. Run an errand or finish a chore they never seem to get around to. The end result will save them time, and you money.

Dine in Rather than Out:

Eating out costs a great deal. Plan a movie night at your home, make it a potluck and invite family or special friends over to join in the fun. This is an ideal way to catch up on what has been happening without it costing anything.

Share Clothing Items:

College students do this often because funds are tight. Have you had your sights on your best friends beautiful dress? What about her blouse? Plan an evening, gather a few friends together, and bring unwanted items to the table. The outcome can result in a new wardrobe for all involved.

Swap Books and Magazines:

Magazine subscriptions can become expensive. When you are finished with books or magazines, pass them on to a friend or someone you know that might enjoy the subject matter. Set up a monthly time to get together and bring literature you have finished with to the table. Everyone can leave with something new for their library.

Taking a little time to become creative with the things we have can result in saving many dollars in our wallets throughout the year.