The economy is getting better so the reports seem to say, but are we really noticing a difference? Everywhere you look, another business that you saw open their doors not long ago disappears,or another business that you have supported for years has gone out of business suddenly. When will it all stop you may wonder? The answer to this question is unknown to us. But, while we may spend time worrying about what may happen, we are prevented from living in the present and making things happen NOW.
Here are a few tips to help you get moving in the right direction.
Sell the Latest Popular Products:
Begin thinking about what the latest craze is this holiday season. What is popular for children, catches their attention or holds their interest? Is it possible for you to get your hands on the product, promote it, and make some extra money? With the internet so readily available, the possibilities of what you can do with this are endless.
Make Your Business Cards Stand Out:Make your business cards stand out by offering something free with them, or make them smell extra good. Here's how you can do this for next to nothing. Purchase small mesh string bags which come in bulk, and are available in beautiful holiday colors at a very affordable price through
Oriental Trading. I like to put my business card in a mesh bag, along with a scented tealight during the holidays. The aroma is inviting and creates a pleasant scent. People will appreciate this gift. How about a fun holiday challenge that is sure to attract attention, and keep your potential customers guessing? Put your mind to work and see what you can come up with.
Be Competitive:Have you looked at your competition lately? How about doing some comparison shopping to see what else is out there. Is your product or service widely available? If so, ask yourself why someone would choose you. If you cannot answer this question, go back to the drawing board. You cannot convince others, if you don't know yourself.
No matter what you choose to offer this holiday season, remember to make sure your services offer the best product at an affordable price, and your customer service is the leader of the pack. This holiday season is about offering a good value more than anything.